Coming up This Friday and Saturday: Tech@State
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This Friday features the Tech@State conference at the George Washington University, followed by the unconference hosted here at NDI. This year's topic is ElecTech, and looking at the agenda for the event, it will not be one you want to miss (you can register here). There is even a visualization to capture the excitement. So for this week's Round Up, we've included information about and pieces by a few of the amazing people who will be speaking this Friday for the event:
- Suzanne Philion (@SuzKP), talks in this interview about how she is innovating at her job in the State Department, and blogs about the @Techgirls program.
- Spencer Overton, a law professor at GWU, writes about why he believes in expanding citizen participation in financing politics to complement anticorruption measures
- Watch DAS Daniel Baer from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State in a recent appearance on CSPAN speaking about the importance of Internet Freedom.
- Alan Rosenblatt (@drdigipol) from the Center for American Progress writes a piece on how to measure the impact of your social media campaign.
- Twitter Strategic Partnerships representative Mindy Finn (@mindyfinn) spoke last year at the Personal Democracy Forum about sharing election data, as well as at ILF about 21st century campaigns.
- NDI's own Patrick Merloe wrote to the OSCE about the importance of electoral observations.
- Susan Hyde (@sdaytonhyde) Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at Yale, published this article about the creation of election observation as an international norm.
These are just a few of the many technology and election experts who will be speaking this Friday. Space is filling up quickly, so don't hesitate to register today!