Freedom, Health, and Cuban Facebook: Your Monday Round-up
After a short hiatus, NDITech's Monday Round-up makes its triumphant return. Here we'll bring together a few interesting tidbits from the week to get your Monday start right. Last week:
- Internet Freedom was a hot topic, as Hillary Clinton gave a speech at the Conference on Internet Freedom in the Hauge. In Congress, Rep. Chris Smith introduced the new Global Internet Freedom Act, mirroring Clinton's call for greater accountability in the digital security sector.
- MobileActive gave some thoughts on the mHealth Summit in Washington last week.
- The Russian elections heated up in cyberspace, with reports of DDoS attacks, spamming, take-downs, and hacks. Despite this, protests over the election continued.
- In an effort to promote transparency worldwide, the White House open-sourced the platform for
- Cuba launched a social networking site replicating Facebook, even though only two percent of the population is online.
- Our friends over at the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) started a new blog, with initial posts on mapping digital media and the a social network for international journalists.