Launching Data Storytelling Course for Civic Technologists
Civic organizations, government, and activists are becoming more adept at using digital technologies to engage on community issues, participate in public discourse, and stay connected. This civic technology-- such as online petition platforms, feedback mechanisms, and collaboration tools-- can improve government service delivery, bring transparency to opaque decision making, and create a strong social fabric and network of participation. (tldr: we think civic tech is pretty cool.)
Since 2016, NDItech has been implementing the TechCivica Initiative in Latin America. Funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, Tech Civica creates opportunities for civil society and other actors to collaborate and identify creative technological solutions to common civic problems in their communities--such as discussing transparency and security issues in Mexico and Guatemala.
Under this umbrella, over the past few months, NDItech has been working with female civic innovators in Guatemala to improve training resources to increase women’s civic participation in their advocacy and accountability work. NDItech and NDI Guatemala held a datathon workshop in Guatemala City on June 13th and 14th this year where I had the chance to work with participants from 12 different organizations, movements, and collectives as they learned about applying variable analysis and influence mapping methodologies to their upcoming advocacy and campaign activities. This training has sparked a number of collaborative projects and generated new enthusiasm for accessible training materials.
Now, civic activists in Guatemala (and around the world) will be able to continue their skills development and partake in our Introduction to Data Storytelling online course in Spanish and English. Curated from a number of outstanding open-source resources, the course walks you through the basics of data analysis and visualization. It’s self-guided, and tailored to fit the needs of civic organizations who would like to tell a more impactful story, learn the basics of data storytelling, and are interested in refining their data skills. (Upon successful completion, you can earn a certificate!)
We encourage you to take a look and share with your networks!