NDItech at the Democratic National Convention International Leaders Forum

By Chris Doten | September 06, 2012

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Democratic National Convention, Charlotte 2012

NDItech is on the ground in Charlotte, North Caroline for our International Leaders Forum at the Democratic National Convention, the quadrennial political extravaganza for the Democratic Party. NDI has been bringing international visitors to these showpieces of American democracy since 1984. This year we have 300+ guests from over one hundred countries who will observe and learn from the big show.

The NDITech team is on the ground tweeting (@NDItech) and liveblogging.  Here are some recaps of panels and sessions:

ILF has now concluded, but you can follow the Twitter conversations on #ILFNDI and read the recaps above linked through NDI.org/ilf. We will be posting the full video of the events as soon as possible.

