News and Notes Roundup - 10/26/2015

By | October 26, 2015

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Election observers

Another happy Monday to you, beloved readers, and happy 70th birthday to the United Nations! Here’s your weekly roundup, as prescribed by your doctor.

Yesterday, 10 - yes, 10 - countries had elections and NDI provided assistance in five of them: Ukraine, Haiti, Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania, and Guatemala. Our very own leader Chris assisted election monitors TACCEO and TEMCO in their use of the Elections DemTool in Tanzania, while our favorite Floridian (sorry, Edison!) Christine travelled to Cote d’Ivoire to guide POECI in deploying Elections and conducting a parallel vote tabulation. So far, everything has been going swimmingly and we can’t wait to have our teammates back in the same hemisphere.

Also abroad is our second-tallest member, Jared, who’s in Mexico City to attend the Open Government Partnership Global Summit. Be sure to follow our Twitter feed (@nditech) for live updates on this awesome event!

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