News and Notes Roundup - 12/21/2015
Good morning, Planet Earth! We may have an abridged week here at NDI, but we’re still giving you your News & Notes Roundup!
It’s an occasion to celebrate today as the World Wide Web turns 25 today! Now old enough to rent a car in most states, WWW is looking pretty good. What could it look like in another quarter century?
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens hit theaters last week and this writer is still recovering from all of the nostalgia and excitement. Smashing box office records and thrilling viewers, readers are urged to see the film, which something for series fans old and new. Promise.
Tech News:
Xbox Live was DDOSed last week - hard
Here’s the CIA’s cybersecurity secret that seems lost on the rest of us
Pandora will now owe artists greater royalties than ever
Facebook stopped using Flash for playing videos. Yay!
Hit backspace 28 times and you’ll find yourself inside many Linux computers
A game creation company made this billboard in MS Paint
One of The Pirate Bay’s founders is copying 100 mp3 files per second
IREX President on CNN: Closing the digital divide will take more than just technology
There was an awesome hackathon in South Sudan
Here’s a great breakdown of the stakeholders in opening government data
Millicom Group pledges to modernize telecom networks in Zanzibar
HTTP now has an error code for internet censorship
Check out these 7 tips for improving your digital M&E
Providing crucial information to refugees en route to Greece is being done with very cheap tech
Mobile News:
The use of internet-enabled mobile devices in Africa has exploded
Brazil tried to block WhatsApp last week, but a judge lifted the ban
BLINDSPOT is the next app to break into the social messaging scene
Your smartwatch might be keylogging you
Windows 10 mobile won’t be happening in 2015