News and Notes Roundup: Dec. 8

By Evan Summers | December 08, 2014

Small Photo
A brown and white mouse with a long tail, on a keyboard.

It’s Monday, you know the drill. Time for another edition of the NDItech News and Notes Roundup. As always, please tweet or email (@nditech/[email protected]) - with any hot tips for future roundups.

This is a very special “Week in Tech History”. On December 8, 1975, the Byte Shop opened its doors as one of the first retail computer stores in the world back when it was the ultimate geek hobby. Just under a year later, Byte Shop ordered the first 50 computers from the struggling Apple Computer company. The rest, as they say, is history. Not to be outdone by the 8th, December’s 9th day will forever be remembered for the first public demonstration of the computer mouse which caught the public’s eye in 1968, when Douglas Englebert highlighted the invention to a crowd of about 1000 computer professionals.

And now, time for the links:

Popular Tech News:

  • Gangham Style video breaks YouTube view limit by overflowing the 32-bit integer counter. For those of you who don’t speak binary, that’s 2,147,483,647.

  • Why Facebook forces some of its engineers to use low-end phones

  • North Korea 'denies' Sony Pictures hack

  • Google's internet balloons are staying aloft longer than anyone expected

  • Stockholm is the 'most prolific' billion-dollar startup hub behind Silicon Valley

ICT and Development:


