News and Notes Roundup - July 13, 2015

By Nathaniel Kim | July 13, 2015

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The NDItech News and Notes Roundup is back! I’ll be keeping this tradition alive and I hope you all enjoy this week’s roundup. Feel free to tweet or email us with any scoops on the latest tech and ICT4D news!
First up, shout outs to our very own Jason Baumgartner who’s created a dataset of 1.65 BILLION Reddit comments, spanning October 2007 to May 2015 and weighing in at over 1TB. Not only can this corpus of human interaction prove invaluable for researching natural language processing and trend prediction, but AI as well. Just remember, Genisys is Skynet.
In a special highlight, the Internet Society released its Global Internet Report, highlighting Mobile Internet, which is essential for the Internet inclusion of the next 1 billion users worldwide. “The 2015 Global Internet Report presents data that shows it's not always a question of if it's available, but rather how cost and a lack of useful content are core to why people are not opting in.”
In social media, young Africans have taken to Twitter, YouTube, tumblr, and Instagram to show the world #TheAfricaTheMediaNeverShowsYou, focusing on positive, diverse images of African people and landscapes while highlighting academic, medical, and technological achievements in Africa. Check it out!

Today in Tech History:
Tech News:
ICT and Development:
