News and Notes Roundup: Nov. 10

By Evan Summers | November 10, 2014

Small Photo
Black rotary phone


Happy Monday! Nothing brightens up the start of a new week quite like a fresh edition of the NDItech News and Notes Roundup. Below is another batch of links from the worlds of popular tech, ICT, and tech4democracy. Tweet at us - @nditech - or email us - [email protected] - with any comments or suggestions for future roundups.


Before we get to the links, let’s take a moment to reflect on just how far we’ve come in a new segment for the roundup: This Week in Tech History. On November 10, 1951, direct-dial, coast-to-coast telephone service began with a call between the mayors of Englewood, N.J., and Alameda, Calif.


And now, the links:

