Weekly Roundup 11/1
Happy Tuesday, Readers! Last week, internet management company Dyn faced a series of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) cyber-attacks that shut off access to hundreds of websites, including big names such as Netflix, Etsy, and Twitter. The first of three attacks started at about 7am EDT on Friday, October 21 and lasted roughly two hours. The second, stronger attack came in around 12pm and lasted until 3pm EDT. Finally, the third attack started around 5:30pm, but officials were able to end the threat in less time and access was restored by approximately 6:15pm EDT. While the threats originally only impacted users on the East Coast of the United States, users in Europe reported outages during the second and third attacks.
DDoS attacks like these have been on the rise and highlight some aging internet technologies such as one-factor (password only) authentications. This attack was the largest of it’s kind, though no particular group has claimed responsibility. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are currently investigating all possible sources.
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