Weekly Roundup 9/26/2016

By Sophia Sokolowski | September 26, 2016

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Presidential debate Twitter

Are you ready for the first round of presidential debates to take place between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tonight at 9pm EST, Readers? Never fear if you’ll be far from your TV - Twitter announced that it will be streaming the U.S. presidential debates in an effort to expand their platform online. Snapchat, YouTube, and Google have also partnered with the Commission on Presidential Debates and will be live streaming the first debate for viewers. Moreover, Facebook was charged with the task of gathering questions from the public to be asked by the moderators during the debate.

While neither the democratic nor republican party have heavily focused on technology-related issues, topics, such as security, privacy, and the speed at which technology-based programs are accelerating, will undoubtedly surface over the next few months. Get ahead by reading about the candidates’ respective stances here.


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