The #think10 safety planning tool provides women in politics guidance on how to enhance their personal security by combining scores from a self-assessment questionnaire and the country score from NDI’s new Women’s Political Participation Risk Index. The WPPRI calculates the risk to politically active women in 172 countries. In using the tool, women in politics can develop a safety plan relevant to their personal and professional profile, and in their political context. Each country’s ranking in the WPPRI is built from three indicators: the level of women’s political participation at the national level; the state of democracy in each country; and the likelihood of violence that women in that country face. NDI has based these indicators on data gained from the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Economist Intelligence Unit, and Georgetown University’s Institute of Women Peace and Security.
- think10 can be accessed on paper, online, or a mobile app.
- The Women's Political Participation Risk Index includes assessments for 172 countries.
Security and Data Privacy
- The website and app do not store your data.
- The testing guidance also provides guidance on how to maintain security while using the tool.
- For more information about this tool and how to use it in programming, please contact NDI's Gender Women and Democracy team.