Democracy Development

Revolutionizing Civic Engagement: The Story of in Morocco

Revolutionizing Civic Engagement: The Story of in Morocco

By Abdellatif Belmkadem | January 23, 2024

In Casablanca, has taken root as a transformative initiative, reshaping how citizens engage with their local government. It is not just a tool for reporting issues; it is a catalyst for change and an embodiment of the power of civic participation. This platform, which leverages the FixMyStreet open-source platform originally developed by MySociety in the UK, transcends traditional barriers to civic participation to seamlessly connect citizens with their local government.

Democracy @ Davos

Democracy @ Davos

By Moira Whelan | January 19, 2024

A last-minute set of circumstances led me to be able to attend events on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum this year. I wanted to share some thoughts, but first a disclaimer: these are based on being in and around Davos for the past few days, but in the stratified system of the elite, I wasn’t even able to step foot in the Kongress Center where the main World Economic Forum takes place. Maybe next year.