Women in Politics: Wielding the Online Space Safely
Women in Politics: Wielding the Online Space Safely
The internet is a powerful tool for women in politics, but it can also be a dangerous place that enhances their risk - both online and offline. Women are more likely than men to experience online violence and harassment, leading to a chilling effect on their political participation and further limiting their ability to achieve equal representation in parliaments, governments, and other areas of power.
Lessons Learned from the Digital Rights Learning Exchange
Lessons Learned from the Digital Rights Learning Exchange
In 2022, NDI partnered with Digital Grassroots to deliver the Digital Rights Learning Exchange (DRLX) program
Weekly Roundup 11 July, 2022
Weekly Roundup 11 July, 2022
On Tuesday, Twitter filed a lawsuit against the Indian government with the aim of overturning orders to remove content injurious to the Modi administration.
Emerging Technology and Democracy: What can we expect to see?
Emerging Technology and Democracy: What can we expect to see?
The past year has yielded mixed results for technology and democracy.
Envisioning Tech-empowered Democratic Futures: A Quote Sheet
Envisioning Tech-empowered Democratic Futures: A Quote Sheet
In the wake of the Summit for Democracy 2021, a fundamental part of the conversation to revitalize the democracy agenda involved recognizing the critical challenge that the global spread of a digital authoritarian model of governance is posing to democracy around the world. The first step in addressing this challenge is to build and invest in an equally innovative and compelling long-term vision of technology-empowered democratic governance, centered around the collective values and perspectives of people around the world.