Digital Security

CyberSim Ghana: DemTech Pilots Digital Security Learning Game for Election Observers

CyberSim Ghana: DemTech Pilots Digital Security Learning Game for Election Observers

By Guthrie Kuckes | October 11, 2024

Earlier this year, DemTech visited longtime NDI partners at the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD Ghana) in Accra. Over three days, NDI worked with members of CDD Ghana’s elections, IT, and communications teams to help identify and address their most critical risks heading into their observation of the upcoming Ghanaian elections.

Women in Politics: Wielding the Online Space Safely

Women in Politics: Wielding the Online Space Safely

By Amara Shaker-Brown | December 07, 2023

The internet is a powerful tool for women in politics, but it can also be a dangerous place that enhances their risk - both online and offline. Women are more likely than men to experience online violence and harassment, leading to a chilling effect on their political participation and further limiting their ability to achieve equal representation in parliaments, governments, and other areas of power. 

Democracy Games for Democracy Gains: How DemTech uses games for good to support democracy programs

Democracy Games for Democracy Gains: How DemTech uses games for good to support democracy programs

By Jesper Frant | August 30, 2023

NDI’s DemTech team has a long history of experimenting with different types of games for good. We have even tried our hand at developing our own gaming platforms with varying levels of success. DemTech’s more recent efforts to gamify learning have favored the narrative fiction and tabletop-exercise style games.

How To Pick A Trustworthy Virtual Private Network (VPN)

How To Pick A Trustworthy Virtual Private Network (VPN)

By Marley Berk | January 19, 2023

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are becoming more and more common as something many people use or at least have heard about, but may not know a lot about how they work, what risks they carry, or what option is best for them.